Insecurities of a Small Blogger

Today I wanted to talk about something that is always on my mind, and that bothers me a lot of the time.  This is the insecurities of being a small blogger. I started this blog at the end of Summer, and I am honestly very shocked with how much it has grown and evolved over the past few months. Still, I have many insecurities about my Blog. 

Who doesn’t always strive for greatness?  I sometimes become so overwhelmed as I scroll through some of my favorite blogs and think, God, mine looks so mediocre compared to theirs.  No, Skylar, this is not the kind of Thoughts you should be having.  The truth is, I am not rich, I am not a “huge” blogger yet, and I try my best to accept that.  I will eventually go self hosted, but for now, it is for me.  I’m not ashamed of that. My blog has grown so much, even if it is considered a little bit, but I’m getting there. 

I can’t afford the beautiful themes on PipDig, mainly because I am a very cheap person myself, and I prefer saving my money on trips I long to go on!  Although, if my Blog does get a few thousand followers, I think that would be the most appropriate time to invest.  Right now, I have never invested a penny in this blog, and I think that’s ok.  Every small blogger probably feels this way, is there any blogger who started out with the best theme and best content?  Probably not.  We all grow in time, I know my content has really improved since my first posts. 

In all honestly, I love my blog because it is a place where I can express myself, and have an audience that (might) care!  It doesn’t matter yet if I have the greatest looking blog on the internet, I am more in focus of my content as of now.  These posts I’ve written so far, I’m proud of, because I’m only learning as I go along.  I truly have learned so much about blogging and the blogging community in these past months.  Which, shoutout to that amazing blogging community on Twitter, I am very thankful for everyone on there.  

I will improve, I will be the best I can be, even if that means a little and cute blog.  Thank you for reading what I have to say, I truly appreciate it. 



31 Replies to “Insecurities of a Small Blogger”

  1. Definitely everyone has these insecurities! Even after 8+ years of blogging and some money investment- I can still totally relate. It’s amazing what you’ve done with such a short period of time blogging! If you don’t start small, there’s no where to grow – plus the saddest thing is seeing how many blogs are abandoned before they hit 1 year. Know you really love doing it before making any investment – that only makes sense, right? Besides, “little and cute” is an amazing way to be 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. This is a really great post! I sometimes feel like my blog isn’t good enough because I don’t necessarily have as much money as the best bloggers out there in order to make my blog as good as theirs. Hopefully one day soon we both achieve our biggest goals!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I totally agree with this post! I’ve had all of these feelings since starting blogging and it can be hard not to wish to be like those people. I want to try and focus on what I want from my blog and not what everyone else wants

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Considering all you’ve achieved in such a short time, you’e doing great! Everyone gets insecure sometimes but don’t fret, keep doing what you’re doing and people will notice you 😊

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I love this post, it’s so relatable being a fellow WordPress user. Readers and interaction don’t require a single penny so at the moment I don’t feel the need to spend and money on my blog as a small blogger. This isn’t so well written, such a great post!
    Zara xx

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  6. Hi there Skylar!

    Thanks for putting this out there.

    It does get intimidating looking at other blogs, their lovely layouts, their collaborations their followers etc. I try and use it as inspiration.

    I imagine it would also be stressful managing all that so I’m just happy that blogging is something I enjoy doing for me 🙂

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  7. I really enjoyed this post. Sort of the insecurities I once had, but I went about it all the wrong way. I souped up everything and then lashed out when I received one visitor per day if I was lucky hah.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. I love this post! I really needed to read this today. I am currently in the process of starting a travel series on my blog (I love traveling) and I am still so fairly new that I look at other travel blogs and think to myself that mine is not great. I need more confidence in myself and to allow myself to grow in my own time.

    Jordan K.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I really like your theme. I would never have guessed it was free. I bought a domain and a template from pipdig but think they’re wasted on Blogger. As far as I can tell it’s not necessary for building a following. I think readers are more likely to engage with quality content rather than a pretty layout x

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