Blogmas | Festive Film Picks

Well, it’s been a little while since my last post, and to be completely honest, I’m very busy. I had rehearsals for a few weeks until very late, and we finally had our performance this past weekend! It was a wonderful success and I’m very pleased with it!

In other news, I have exams all next week, and I am cramming with studying and final projects due this week. Unfortunately, blogposts should be quite limited for the next two weeks….Here’s a quick blogpost for today though, one I was excited to write! These are my personal favorite Christmas or Holiday films, and I highly recommend them!

1. It’s a Wonderful Life

This film isn’t all about Christmas, but it’s a great story with a great moral for sure!

2. The Holiday

Forever one of my mother and I’s favorites, who doesn’t love this movie?

3. Elf

Again, who doesn’t love this movie? It makes me laugh at any mood, and it’s sure to bring anyone in the Christmas mood!

4. The Polar Express

I loved this movie as a kid, and it honestly can get me in a festive mood every Christmas season!

5. The Nativity Story

I watch this film with my family every year on Christmas Eve, the story behind Christmas itself. This film can show anyone the true meaning behind Christmas.


What are some of your favorite Christmas films? Let me know in the comments or tweet me @candidlydarling I would love to know! 

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