Blogging When You Really Don’t Want To

Blogging can sometimes feel like a chore.  As a blogger, I've often had this feeling myself.  I adore blogging with all my heart, but some days I am really just not feeling my mojo.   I want to publish at least one Blogpost a week, but sometimes it is too much to tackle.  There is …

Weekly Roundup #2

March was quite the busy month for me indeed. I have been getting jobs, writing up Blogposts, and rehearing for my musical which opened last weekend.  I have so say hard work really does pull off, and it's nice to see what you can accomplish when you put effort into something.  I have been in …

Finding Positivity 

Remaining positive at all times is almost impossible for anyone to achieve.  I mean, we all have our bad days.  Sometimes bad days aren't so bad, sometimes they're just plain awful.  Either way, it's better to try to cheer up yourself, than to mope all day until you're absolutely miserable.   Everyday of your life, …